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Allopurinol 10 tab / 5 mg

Antihypertensive Besilato of equivalent amlodipino to... 5 amlodipino mg THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS: Hypertension: AMLODIPINO is suitable as initial treatment of first election of the arterial hypertension and it can be used as monoterapia for the control of the arterial sanguine pressure in most of the patients. Those sick persons that are not appropriately controlled with an alone one antihypertensive they can benefit when adding AMLODIPINO, which has been used in combination with diuretic tiazídicos, blocking agents of adrenorreceptores beta, blocking alpha, or inhibitors of the enzyme angiotensina convertidora. AMLODIPINO is also indicated to reduce the risk of coronary fatal illness and of heart attack to the non fatal miocardio, and to reduce the risk of vascular cerebral illness. Arterial coronary illness: AMLODIPINO is suitable to reduce the risk of coronary revascularización and the necessity of hospitalization due to angina in patient with arterial coronary illness. Angina stable chronicle: AMLODIPINO is suitable for the treatment of first election in the isquemia of the miocardio, for fixed (stable angina) obstruction and/or vasospasmo / vasoconstricción (varying angina of Prinzmetal) of the coronary glasses. AMLODIPINO can be used in those cases in that the square clinical initial suggests a possible vasospasmo / vasoconstricción component, although these you has not confirmed. AMLODIPINO can be used as monoterapia, or in combination with another medication antianginoso in patient with refractory angina to the nitrates and/or appropriate dose of betabloqueadores. Ref:  Kendric  lab. Hypertension. Ischemia. Angina. Angioplsasty. Coronary artery disease

Allopurinol 30 tab / 300 mg

Subsequently the uric acid lowering capacity of allopurinol was noted and the drug went on to be developed for its more famous use: to treat hyperuricemia (excess uric acid in blood plasma) and its complications.[3] Allopurinol does not alleviate acute attacks of gout,[4] and there is currently controversy over the issue of whether it can actually make acute gout attacks worse initially, but is useful in chronic gout to prevent future attacks. Ref: Lab best. Cols. Fever. Skin irritation. Insect bites.  Nodrim. Zyloprim. Aloprim.