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1 bulb of  1 ml of 150mg/10mg/1ml One bulb montly, en between 7th to 10th day mentrual initial. Ref: Anticonceptive. Algestona. Estradiol.

Estrogenos conjugados

The estrogen is used to treat the suffocation for heat (shames,strong and sudden sensation of life; end of the menstruations). Some marks of the estrogen are also used to treat the dryness, pruritus . Ref: Ultra Lab. ,menopause , choking.  Ultra Lab.

Isoconazol Cream 20 g / 1%

Isoconazol or Andronazol is a Anti-fungal drug derived from Imidazol that is used in external application on the skin and mucous. Habitually usually one appears under the nitrate form of isoconazol.   Ref:  Micosis. vulvovaginitis. Lab Andromaco

Levonorgestrel Etinilestradiol 28 tab

Levonorgestrel (or l-norgestrel or D-norgestrel) (Plan B, Next Choice, Postinor, "the morning after pill," and others[1]) is a second generation progestin (synthetic progestogen) used as an active ingredient in some hormonal contraceptives, including combined oral contraceptive pills, progestogen only pills, emergency contraceptive pills, intrauterine systems, contraceptive implants, and hormone replacement therapy. Ref: Lab. Diba.  oestrogen, anticonceptive oral, femenine hipogonadism, menopause

Syncol Nocturno 650 mg/25 mg

Paracetamol is a simple painkilling medicine used to relieve mild to moderate pain and fever. Despite its widespread use for over 100 years, we still don't fully understand how paracetamol works to relieve pain and reduce fever. However, it is now thought that it works by reducing the production of prostaglandins in the brain and spinal cord. The body produces prostaglandins in response to injury and certain diseases. One of the effects of prostaglandins is to sensitise nerve endings, causing pain (presumably to prevent us from causing further harm to the area). As paracetamol reduces the production of these nerve sensitising prostaglandins it is thought it may increase our pain threshold, so that although the cause of the pain remains, we can feel it less.   Diphenhydramine is a type of medicine called a sedating antihistamine. It enters the brain in sufficient quantities to cause drowsiness. This is the main reason why it is included in this medicine.   Ref:  Sanfer SA Lab. Menstrual periods syntoma. Digestive diseases